Hacking the city
Design a Circular Future
14 – 18 May 2024
Naples and Vicenza + Online

Let’s build the Circular Cities of the future!

The future is circular
The Hackathon is designed to bring to life and concretise projects that foster the implementation of the circular economy in cities, involving students, recent graduates, and PhD students in redesigning cities.
The event will be a hybrid one, with physical locations in Naples (University of Naples Federico II ‘Complesso di Monte Sant’Angelo’) and Vicenza (Risorgive del Bacchiglione and Viale Margherita University Complex), but will allow the online participation of students from all over Italy. The aim is to lead to the emergence of innovative and entrepreneurial activities in various fields, within which challenges have been defined, thanks to the involvement of industrial partners for each of the fields.

The Hackathon is open to teams of students, recent graduates and PhD students from any Italian university. We are looking for creative candidates who are passionate about the circular economy and are willing to get involved. More information on requirements and modalities can be found in the regulations.
Candidates and their teams will have time to submit their project ideas from 18 April to 12 May 2024.